I'm pretty pissed right now, not gonna lie. A while ago, my mother dropped a bomb on me: That I'm not allowed to take my ADD medication this summer. My psychiatrist is all for it, but she's paranoid that I'm using it to supress my apetite and lose weight (which I am) and that I'll get addicted to it (which I also am, somewhat). I had to stop taking it cold turkey because I forgot to pack it with me when I went camping last weekend, and when I returned she hid the pills from me. PISSED. Ever since last Friday, I've been tired, depressed, angry as anything, and eating. A LOT. I don't know why. Ever since I stopped taking the medication, I can't stop myself. It makes me cry. Last Thursday I was 119.6 pounds, and today I weighed in at 125.9. How fucking depressing is that!?
I talked to one of my other friends that stopped their ADD medication cold turkey, and he said that this mini 'withdrawal' will last 2-4 weeks, depending on how used to it I was. I'd been taking it since last October, but I don't know how much that counts for. The whole situation just makes me sick. Blech. I'm not going to let this be the end of me, though. Tomorrow I will have no more than 600 calories. It's still pretty high compared to what I used to eat, but it's a decent place to start. Plus, my metal DDR pad is coming in either tomorrow or the next day for sure. Then calories won't be such an issue.
When I get to somewhere between 85 and 100 pounds, I'll be ok with my weight. Until then, I gotta suck it up and shut my mouth.
I want to be a freelance model when I'm older, in addition to a freelance artist and musician. I know it seems so unrealistic, but if I work hard and combine those three, then I should be able to make a decent income, right? I've got the art thing down, been doing it since I could hold a pencil. At my school's art show this past year, I won two first place ribbons for Advanced Prismacolor and Advanced Mixed Media, plus the Best of Show. Not trying to brag (failed), but I'm very confident that I will do something with my art. Not so confident about modeling and music. I have about 15 songs written, and next year, my senior year, I'm hoping to record them onto a demo CD and start submitting it to different record labels. It's a long shot, but I gotta start somewhere. Modeling is looking even bleaker, though. I'm 5' exactly, so runway isn't my thing. However, I'm aware of petite modeling and I've got the photo-editing skills to make my face usable. I really want to make them work. Right now, though, I'm just practicing and experiementing with different styles and techniques, in art, music and modeling. Here's a little of what I got so far:
My DeviantArt Account:
My DA account has a bunch of old and new drawings and photo-edits, in addition to a lot of poems and song lyrics. It's a pretty modest collection, but like I said. I gotta start somewhere. Here are some favorites:
An acrylic abstract paint of a fetus on canvas board
And old graphite portrait of Amy Lee done from a photograph
My Photobucket Album:
This mostly has experiemental photos. One of me with transgendered make-up, different angles, different temperatures and lighting, different looks and poses. None of these are photos that I would consider putting in a modeling portfolio, but merely pictures to show where I'm at right now. Most have little to no make-up besides the transgendered one. Some more favs:
As you can see, a lot of my self-portrait photographs are less model-ish and more facebook-profile-pic-ish. lol I'm trying to get away from that. Any advice on that, or anything, really, would be welcomed!
Well, I guess that's it for now. Peace~