Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Elusive Ana Buddy (Leads to a Boring Day)

I woke up at five this morning, got dressed, and walked down to the little playground near my house to meet up with my best friend/ana buddy and go jogging. She wasn't there yet, so I turned on my iPod and swung for a little bit on the swingsets. Just chilling, then at 6:15, I got a call from her. "I just woke up... Set my alarm wrong. Sorry!" xD Oh, girl. She doesn't mean to be, but she can be unreliable at times. I'm not sure if she does it because she just wants to be alone at random times (eating disorders do that to ya), or if she's just mentally scattered and forgetful lol. Either way, I couldn't be mad at her. I know I have my moments, too.

So what to do now? I have a truck load of laundry that refuses to do itself, no matter how long I leave it on my floor, and my two rooms need cleaning. Then I guess I can just play DDR if I have the energy, or come back to the Internetz. Okay, I'll make a deal with myself. I've only eaten about 150 calories so far in breakfast (cream of wheat, though, so it was all carbs <.<; ), so as long as I don't eat anything else, I won't have to exercise. That sounds good, even though I really should be trying to get my endurance back up. After my last DDR pad stopped working right, I got kind of out of shape. These past few days, I've been playing a little, but only up to 150 or 200 calories burned when I used to go up to 500-800 before I even considered stopping. I'm supposed to be getting a new one, a metal one (those are way better than foam ones) today in the mail. If it comes, I'll probably play it anyway. Still, no food, no exercise. This shouldn't be a problem.

I'm going to see my ex this weekend (we're still really close friends.). He's bisexual, leaning almost completely towards being gay, so there were so many times in our break-up/get-back-together pattern when I've felt like my body was inadequate. I want to be thinner before I see him. If not thinner, then at least not bloated. You know, when you eat very little or nothing for a few days, your stomach just gets that marvelously empty, compact feeling. I feel so agile and graceful, almost slinking and feline. Like a mixture between a snake and a cheetah. lol I know it sounds lame, but it's an amazing feeling. Guess I'll look at some thinspo, too. Join me! lol not really, unless you're already into this kind of thing. Mostly before-and-after's today:

 <-- Love that one



Woo, that last one is a doozy.