My mom and stepdad left for vacation, and they're going to be gone until Friday. THATS A WHOLE FUCKING WEEK <3 Do you know what two things I can do to take full advantage of this?
1. FASTING. Ok, maybe not full-fasting, but I'll try. Definitely eating as little as possible. So far it's not too bad. I've probably have about 600-700 calories, and tomorrow I want to aim lower.
2. PARTYING. My sister and I (she's 20, and I'm 16) are going to party the fuck out of this place. It'll be the first time I ever get smashed drunk. I've hard fuzzy navels, some wine, and a glass of amaretto before, but nothing hardcore. This week, we're breaking out the jello shots B]
However, there is a downside that's already making me wanna shoot myself in the foot. My sister's a bit of a hitler-bitch, and now that she's the adult in charge, I'm gonna get kicked around. She's already bitter because my niece only eats pureed food when I feed her. That's only because my sister gets angry and screams and curses whenever the baby knocks the spoon and it terrifies the shit out of her. I'm a lot quieter, so I guess the baby feels a little safer.
Honestly, I'm kinda worried about the baby. I've seen my sister yell things like "Shut the fuck up!" and "Stop it you stupid little whore!" at her, and the baby will just get all quiet, then start screaming. This usually enrages my sister even more, sometimes to the point where it gets physical. My sister doesn't beat her or anything, but I've seen rougher-than-just-playful slaps, and occasionally she'll shake my niece. Not like shaken baby syndrome shaking, but half-jokingly, half out of frustration. Usually my mom and I just look the other way. It's horrible, but what are we going to do? Call the cops on her? (btw, she lives with us.)
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Rapping, Fapping, and Baby Shit! A recipe and a gorgeous chick!
You know that song Look At Me Now, by Chris Brown, Lil Wayne and Busta? Well yeah, I can rap THAT WHOLE SHIT. COME AT ME, BRO. lol I spent an hour or so practicing it with my friend Erika, and it was hilarious.
Oh, the last episode of Southpark? The one with the scene kids, the cynicism and where Stan's parents get divorced? I fapped. Hard. To it. It was amazing how the parents' marriage was like a metaphor for the whole show of southpark, from the makers' points of view. Plus, the two guys being all like "SAVE THE BRITCHES!" cracked me up every time they came on screen. My friends were like "wtf?" until the scene where they stoled Randy's underwear. Rofl @ the whole episode. Even though I think that episode was a message about how crappy entertainment is, even Southpark, too, I still loved it. It was one of the funniest, most genuine episodes I've ever seen, of any TV show!
Watched my baby niece for a little while lately. I felt like the goddamn baby-whisperer when she ate so eagerly and compliantly after my sister complained how she always rejected the pureed food. Fuck yeah. Later though, she took one of the BIGGEST. DUMPS. EVER. OMGOSH. SO MUCH BABY SHIT. SO MUCH.
Ate like a goddamn pig. I don't know what's wrong with me. My mom and step-dad are going away til Friday tomorrow. I will TRY to fast. No guaruntee. Actually, I can kinda guaruntee that I'll fail. My sister's having a huge house party tomorrow after they leave, and she's making jello shots :3 <3 Okay, I'll drink them, but have nothing else but water. I can do this! Motivation is needed though D:
Haven't done any art since the beginning of summer, and hardly played any music, even though my voice is improving like I don't know what. Maybe I'll try to record a cover tomorrow. I did try something brave with the whole modeling/vain-attempt-to-get-attention thing. I not only attempted liquid eyeliner again, but I also took pics with my hair tied completely back and that burgandy berret that I love. How's it look? Be honest lol.
I really need to invest in some batteries for my camera. I took these one my phone xD That's why they're a little blurry. I also want to get more weight off before I start taking body shots. lol If you're wondering (you aren't, but I liked to tell people this), the bracelets I'm wearing are all made by my Ex-Boyfriend, who's one of my best friends still. :) One says "Gay", one "DDR", another says "Striped Bunny" (insider), and the last two just have rainbow beads on them. Yes, he is very very close to being gay, but Idc. lol He's technically bi still :P I lurvlez him.
What else? Lezsee... Oh, I am still feeling some effects of the withdrawal (I'm still constantly hungry, irritable and not as energetic as I used to be), but things seem to be picking up a little. I'm less awkward with people. I actually had an awesome time hanging with friends today, and I didn't blend in as just "one of the girls/boys", but let's face it; that'll never happen lol. However, I was very charismatic and outgoing in the good way. I used to be so quiet, but now I just can't help being loud lol. What's even better is that I'm not the stupind annoying, attention-whorish kind of loud anymore. I'm just the silly, happy, bubbly kind of loud.
This might be of actual interest to anyone desperate enough to be reading my blog: I made some AWESOME fries from potatoes. It's a generously deviant variation of this one recipe I found online, and here's how to do it.
-Italian seasoning
-Garlic Powder
-Plastic Wrap
-Salt n Pepper
-Any kind of pan, really
-A stove
-A large bowl
-A microwave
-Flour (optional)
1. Pre-heat your oven to some insanely high temp, like 400F or 450F. Your call. You know your oven better than I do.
2. Cut up potatoes in whatever way you like your fries. Skin, no skin, wedges, fast-food style, russet, red. (You get a lot of freedom in this recipe. I hope you can handle it :P)
3. Wash them. (They're probably already clean, but you can never be too sure.)
4. Wrap them tightly in plastic wrap (that's what the original recipe said, but if you use a zip-loc bag and get all the air out, it's a lot easier.) and microwave them until they start looking translucent around the edges. (Anywhere between 2-5 minutes, maybe more, depending on the individual quality of your potatos.)
5. While they're in the mic, combine some salt, pepper, garlic, and italian seasoning in a bowl with oil in the bowl. Different people like different amounts of the dry stuff, so use whatever amounts you like with your fries best. (Careful on the garlic, though. Even just a little too much can ruin them.) For the oil, use about 1/8 cup of oil per smallish potato, and 1/4 cup per largish potato.
5 (and a half). If you mix in a LITTLE BIT of flour (about 1/4 cup for every 3 large potatoes) it will make a flaky crust like you often find on potato wedges. You can also sprinkle it on them, but make sure it's smoothly and evenly coated, or else it will burn them and come out all crunchy. And that's gross.)
6. Remove the potato things from the microwave and dump them from their plasticy prison into the bowl, and kinda toss them. Shake and bounce the bowl around (without spilling the contents) so that all the potato pieces get covered in the oil and seasonings.
7. Melt enough butter to cover the pan you're using in a relatively thick layer, like maybe 2-3mm deep. (Don't worry. If it burns in the oven, a scrubbie will take it off no problem. If you're really worried, put some aluminum foil down first.)
8. Lay the potato pieces in a single layer on the pan, and give another coating of salt, pepper, and seasoning. (I wouldn't recomend putting more garlic powder on.) Pop em in the oven!
9. The butter is going to bubble, but it shouldn't spit out and mess up your oven, unless you put too much. I'm not sure if it's good, but it happened to me and mine turned out fine.
10. Let them bake until they turn brownish and crisp on the outside, using the spatula to flip/redistribute them every ten minutes or so. It should take about an hour to an hour and a half, if your stove is like mine. Use your judgement. You know what fries look like.
11. Serve them with whatever the hell you'd like. (Might want to put more salt and pepper on though lol).
****Random Topic Change****
I made this for the pokemon group I'm in on Facebook. I showed Reddit, but they downvoted me so fast lmao. Oh well. I like it.
Hopefully, at least one person seeing this will understand the joke. Not just the pokemon side, but the meme side, too.
Here's another thing:
That's Amber McCrackin, my freakin I don't know.
I would say she's my idol, but I don't want to be exactly like her. I admire her beauty very very very much, in a very very very creepy way. lol I have some pictures of her on my phone, and looking at them when I'm feeling bummish gives me the motivation to put some makeup on and put on something a little less pj-ish, and a little more awesome :) Here's another picture of her that I absolute love
Isn't she gorgeous? I mean, I know nothing about her personality and what's she like. I just found her on the internet through a friend of mine, so I don't idolize her. I would like to be as beautiful as she is, though. It might happen when I lose a little more weight :o Hopefully.
I really like the whole smokey eye look, but I've never been able to get it down perfectly. The only problem I have is with the upper-outside corner of the eyelid. Like, wtf am I supposed to do with that?! lol
Thinking about dying my hair red! At least when it fades, it'll turn pink or orange, not a shitty green color xD That's about it. Tootlez
PS. I purged. Only a little. :(
Oh, the last episode of Southpark? The one with the scene kids, the cynicism and where Stan's parents get divorced? I fapped. Hard. To it. It was amazing how the parents' marriage was like a metaphor for the whole show of southpark, from the makers' points of view. Plus, the two guys being all like "SAVE THE BRITCHES!" cracked me up every time they came on screen. My friends were like "wtf?" until the scene where they stoled Randy's underwear. Rofl @ the whole episode. Even though I think that episode was a message about how crappy entertainment is, even Southpark, too, I still loved it. It was one of the funniest, most genuine episodes I've ever seen, of any TV show!
Watched my baby niece for a little while lately. I felt like the goddamn baby-whisperer when she ate so eagerly and compliantly after my sister complained how she always rejected the pureed food. Fuck yeah. Later though, she took one of the BIGGEST. DUMPS. EVER. OMGOSH. SO MUCH BABY SHIT. SO MUCH.
Ate like a goddamn pig. I don't know what's wrong with me. My mom and step-dad are going away til Friday tomorrow. I will TRY to fast. No guaruntee. Actually, I can kinda guaruntee that I'll fail. My sister's having a huge house party tomorrow after they leave, and she's making jello shots :3 <3 Okay, I'll drink them, but have nothing else but water. I can do this! Motivation is needed though D:
Haven't done any art since the beginning of summer, and hardly played any music, even though my voice is improving like I don't know what. Maybe I'll try to record a cover tomorrow. I did try something brave with the whole modeling/vain-attempt-to-get-attention thing. I not only attempted liquid eyeliner again, but I also took pics with my hair tied completely back and that burgandy berret that I love. How's it look? Be honest lol.
I really need to invest in some batteries for my camera. I took these one my phone xD That's why they're a little blurry. I also want to get more weight off before I start taking body shots. lol If you're wondering (you aren't, but I liked to tell people this), the bracelets I'm wearing are all made by my Ex-Boyfriend, who's one of my best friends still. :) One says "Gay", one "DDR", another says "Striped Bunny" (insider), and the last two just have rainbow beads on them. Yes, he is very very close to being gay, but Idc. lol He's technically bi still :P I lurvlez him.
What else? Lezsee... Oh, I am still feeling some effects of the withdrawal (I'm still constantly hungry, irritable and not as energetic as I used to be), but things seem to be picking up a little. I'm less awkward with people. I actually had an awesome time hanging with friends today, and I didn't blend in as just "one of the girls/boys", but let's face it; that'll never happen lol. However, I was very charismatic and outgoing in the good way. I used to be so quiet, but now I just can't help being loud lol. What's even better is that I'm not the stupind annoying, attention-whorish kind of loud anymore. I'm just the silly, happy, bubbly kind of loud.
This might be of actual interest to anyone desperate enough to be reading my blog: I made some AWESOME fries from potatoes. It's a generously deviant variation of this one recipe I found online, and here's how to do it.
-Italian seasoning
-Garlic Powder
-Plastic Wrap
-Salt n Pepper
-Any kind of pan, really
-A stove
-A large bowl
-A microwave
-Flour (optional)
1. Pre-heat your oven to some insanely high temp, like 400F or 450F. Your call. You know your oven better than I do.
2. Cut up potatoes in whatever way you like your fries. Skin, no skin, wedges, fast-food style, russet, red. (You get a lot of freedom in this recipe. I hope you can handle it :P)
3. Wash them. (They're probably already clean, but you can never be too sure.)
4. Wrap them tightly in plastic wrap (that's what the original recipe said, but if you use a zip-loc bag and get all the air out, it's a lot easier.) and microwave them until they start looking translucent around the edges. (Anywhere between 2-5 minutes, maybe more, depending on the individual quality of your potatos.)
5. While they're in the mic, combine some salt, pepper, garlic, and italian seasoning in a bowl with oil in the bowl. Different people like different amounts of the dry stuff, so use whatever amounts you like with your fries best. (Careful on the garlic, though. Even just a little too much can ruin them.) For the oil, use about 1/8 cup of oil per smallish potato, and 1/4 cup per largish potato.
5 (and a half). If you mix in a LITTLE BIT of flour (about 1/4 cup for every 3 large potatoes) it will make a flaky crust like you often find on potato wedges. You can also sprinkle it on them, but make sure it's smoothly and evenly coated, or else it will burn them and come out all crunchy. And that's gross.)
6. Remove the potato things from the microwave and dump them from their plasticy prison into the bowl, and kinda toss them. Shake and bounce the bowl around (without spilling the contents) so that all the potato pieces get covered in the oil and seasonings.
7. Melt enough butter to cover the pan you're using in a relatively thick layer, like maybe 2-3mm deep. (Don't worry. If it burns in the oven, a scrubbie will take it off no problem. If you're really worried, put some aluminum foil down first.)
8. Lay the potato pieces in a single layer on the pan, and give another coating of salt, pepper, and seasoning. (I wouldn't recomend putting more garlic powder on.) Pop em in the oven!
9. The butter is going to bubble, but it shouldn't spit out and mess up your oven, unless you put too much. I'm not sure if it's good, but it happened to me and mine turned out fine.
10. Let them bake until they turn brownish and crisp on the outside, using the spatula to flip/redistribute them every ten minutes or so. It should take about an hour to an hour and a half, if your stove is like mine. Use your judgement. You know what fries look like.
11. Serve them with whatever the hell you'd like. (Might want to put more salt and pepper on though lol).
****Random Topic Change****
I made this for the pokemon group I'm in on Facebook. I showed Reddit, but they downvoted me so fast lmao. Oh well. I like it.
Hopefully, at least one person seeing this will understand the joke. Not just the pokemon side, but the meme side, too.
Here's another thing:
That's Amber McCrackin, my freakin I don't know.
I would say she's my idol, but I don't want to be exactly like her. I admire her beauty very very very much, in a very very very creepy way. lol I have some pictures of her on my phone, and looking at them when I'm feeling bummish gives me the motivation to put some makeup on and put on something a little less pj-ish, and a little more awesome :) Here's another picture of her that I absolute love
Isn't she gorgeous? I mean, I know nothing about her personality and what's she like. I just found her on the internet through a friend of mine, so I don't idolize her. I would like to be as beautiful as she is, though. It might happen when I lose a little more weight :o Hopefully.
I really like the whole smokey eye look, but I've never been able to get it down perfectly. The only problem I have is with the upper-outside corner of the eyelid. Like, wtf am I supposed to do with that?! lol
Thinking about dying my hair red! At least when it fades, it'll turn pink or orange, not a shitty green color xD That's about it. Tootlez
PS. I purged. Only a little. :(
Thursday, June 23, 2011
The Elusive Ana Buddy (Leads to a Boring Day)
I woke up at five this morning, got dressed, and walked down to the little playground near my house to meet up with my best friend/ana buddy and go jogging. She wasn't there yet, so I turned on my iPod and swung for a little bit on the swingsets. Just chilling, then at 6:15, I got a call from her. "I just woke up... Set my alarm wrong. Sorry!" xD Oh, girl. She doesn't mean to be, but she can be unreliable at times. I'm not sure if she does it because she just wants to be alone at random times (eating disorders do that to ya), or if she's just mentally scattered and forgetful lol. Either way, I couldn't be mad at her. I know I have my moments, too.
So what to do now? I have a truck load of laundry that refuses to do itself, no matter how long I leave it on my floor, and my two rooms need cleaning. Then I guess I can just play DDR if I have the energy, or come back to the Internetz. Okay, I'll make a deal with myself. I've only eaten about 150 calories so far in breakfast (cream of wheat, though, so it was all carbs <.<; ), so as long as I don't eat anything else, I won't have to exercise. That sounds good, even though I really should be trying to get my endurance back up. After my last DDR pad stopped working right, I got kind of out of shape. These past few days, I've been playing a little, but only up to 150 or 200 calories burned when I used to go up to 500-800 before I even considered stopping. I'm supposed to be getting a new one, a metal one (those are way better than foam ones) today in the mail. If it comes, I'll probably play it anyway. Still, no food, no exercise. This shouldn't be a problem.
I'm going to see my ex this weekend (we're still really close friends.). He's bisexual, leaning almost completely towards being gay, so there were so many times in our break-up/get-back-together pattern when I've felt like my body was inadequate. I want to be thinner before I see him. If not thinner, then at least not bloated. You know, when you eat very little or nothing for a few days, your stomach just gets that marvelously empty, compact feeling. I feel so agile and graceful, almost slinking and feline. Like a mixture between a snake and a cheetah. lol I know it sounds lame, but it's an amazing feeling. Guess I'll look at some thinspo, too. Join me! lol not really, unless you're already into this kind of thing. Mostly before-and-after's today:
<-- Love that one
Woo, that last one is a doozy.
So what to do now? I have a truck load of laundry that refuses to do itself, no matter how long I leave it on my floor, and my two rooms need cleaning. Then I guess I can just play DDR if I have the energy, or come back to the Internetz. Okay, I'll make a deal with myself. I've only eaten about 150 calories so far in breakfast (cream of wheat, though, so it was all carbs <.<; ), so as long as I don't eat anything else, I won't have to exercise. That sounds good, even though I really should be trying to get my endurance back up. After my last DDR pad stopped working right, I got kind of out of shape. These past few days, I've been playing a little, but only up to 150 or 200 calories burned when I used to go up to 500-800 before I even considered stopping. I'm supposed to be getting a new one, a metal one (those are way better than foam ones) today in the mail. If it comes, I'll probably play it anyway. Still, no food, no exercise. This shouldn't be a problem.
I'm going to see my ex this weekend (we're still really close friends.). He's bisexual, leaning almost completely towards being gay, so there were so many times in our break-up/get-back-together pattern when I've felt like my body was inadequate. I want to be thinner before I see him. If not thinner, then at least not bloated. You know, when you eat very little or nothing for a few days, your stomach just gets that marvelously empty, compact feeling. I feel so agile and graceful, almost slinking and feline. Like a mixture between a snake and a cheetah. lol I know it sounds lame, but it's an amazing feeling. Guess I'll look at some thinspo, too. Join me! lol not really, unless you're already into this kind of thing. Mostly before-and-after's today:
<-- Love that one
Woo, that last one is a doozy.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Wtihdrawal, or am I just really that pathetic?
Still pissed off that my mother cut off my meds. Maybe, when school comes, I'll just be an obnoxious brat and say, "Well, if I didn't need it over the summer, I don't need it now." And fail the whole year. That would hit her where it hurts, but unfortunately, that would also hit me when it hurts. I don't want to be a super-senior. I really need to do well this school year.
So I guess for now, I'm just gonna have to suck it up and live without the medication. I do not envy drug addicts one bit. If withdrawal from a prescribed, fairly average dose of a proactive amphetamine makes me feel this shitty, I can only imagine how shitty recorvering heroin adddicts or alcoholics feel during withdrawal. It's her fault for getting me hooked on the damn stuff anyway. This sucks. I'm tired the moment I get out of bed and hungry the moment I put a dirty plate in the sink. I don't bother going back to sleep or eating (that second one is actually nice) because I know I'll just be this tired and hungry afterwards. I need some thinspo.
To youtube AWAY!
So I guess for now, I'm just gonna have to suck it up and live without the medication. I do not envy drug addicts one bit. If withdrawal from a prescribed, fairly average dose of a proactive amphetamine makes me feel this shitty, I can only imagine how shitty recorvering heroin adddicts or alcoholics feel during withdrawal. It's her fault for getting me hooked on the damn stuff anyway. This sucks. I'm tired the moment I get out of bed and hungry the moment I put a dirty plate in the sink. I don't bother going back to sleep or eating (that second one is actually nice) because I know I'll just be this tired and hungry afterwards. I need some thinspo.
To youtube AWAY!
First Post- Not just a get-to-know-me!
I'm pretty pissed right now, not gonna lie. A while ago, my mother dropped a bomb on me: That I'm not allowed to take my ADD medication this summer. My psychiatrist is all for it, but she's paranoid that I'm using it to supress my apetite and lose weight (which I am) and that I'll get addicted to it (which I also am, somewhat). I had to stop taking it cold turkey because I forgot to pack it with me when I went camping last weekend, and when I returned she hid the pills from me. PISSED. Ever since last Friday, I've been tired, depressed, angry as anything, and eating. A LOT. I don't know why. Ever since I stopped taking the medication, I can't stop myself. It makes me cry. Last Thursday I was 119.6 pounds, and today I weighed in at 125.9. How fucking depressing is that!?
I talked to one of my other friends that stopped their ADD medication cold turkey, and he said that this mini 'withdrawal' will last 2-4 weeks, depending on how used to it I was. I'd been taking it since last October, but I don't know how much that counts for. The whole situation just makes me sick. Blech. I'm not going to let this be the end of me, though. Tomorrow I will have no more than 600 calories. It's still pretty high compared to what I used to eat, but it's a decent place to start. Plus, my metal DDR pad is coming in either tomorrow or the next day for sure. Then calories won't be such an issue.
When I get to somewhere between 85 and 100 pounds, I'll be ok with my weight. Until then, I gotta suck it up and shut my mouth.
I want to be a freelance model when I'm older, in addition to a freelance artist and musician. I know it seems so unrealistic, but if I work hard and combine those three, then I should be able to make a decent income, right? I've got the art thing down, been doing it since I could hold a pencil. At my school's art show this past year, I won two first place ribbons for Advanced Prismacolor and Advanced Mixed Media, plus the Best of Show. Not trying to brag (failed), but I'm very confident that I will do something with my art. Not so confident about modeling and music. I have about 15 songs written, and next year, my senior year, I'm hoping to record them onto a demo CD and start submitting it to different record labels. It's a long shot, but I gotta start somewhere. Modeling is looking even bleaker, though. I'm 5' exactly, so runway isn't my thing. However, I'm aware of petite modeling and I've got the photo-editing skills to make my face usable. I really want to make them work. Right now, though, I'm just practicing and experiementing with different styles and techniques, in art, music and modeling. Here's a little of what I got so far:
My DeviantArt Account:
My DA account has a bunch of old and new drawings and photo-edits, in addition to a lot of poems and song lyrics. It's a pretty modest collection, but like I said. I gotta start somewhere. Here are some favorites:
An acrylic abstract paint of a fetus on canvas board
And old graphite portrait of Amy Lee done from a photograph
My Photobucket Album:
This mostly has experiemental photos. One of me with transgendered make-up, different angles, different temperatures and lighting, different looks and poses. None of these are photos that I would consider putting in a modeling portfolio, but merely pictures to show where I'm at right now. Most have little to no make-up besides the transgendered one. Some more favs:
As you can see, a lot of my self-portrait photographs are less model-ish and more facebook-profile-pic-ish. lol I'm trying to get away from that. Any advice on that, or anything, really, would be welcomed!
Well, I guess that's it for now. Peace~
I talked to one of my other friends that stopped their ADD medication cold turkey, and he said that this mini 'withdrawal' will last 2-4 weeks, depending on how used to it I was. I'd been taking it since last October, but I don't know how much that counts for. The whole situation just makes me sick. Blech. I'm not going to let this be the end of me, though. Tomorrow I will have no more than 600 calories. It's still pretty high compared to what I used to eat, but it's a decent place to start. Plus, my metal DDR pad is coming in either tomorrow or the next day for sure. Then calories won't be such an issue.
When I get to somewhere between 85 and 100 pounds, I'll be ok with my weight. Until then, I gotta suck it up and shut my mouth.
I want to be a freelance model when I'm older, in addition to a freelance artist and musician. I know it seems so unrealistic, but if I work hard and combine those three, then I should be able to make a decent income, right? I've got the art thing down, been doing it since I could hold a pencil. At my school's art show this past year, I won two first place ribbons for Advanced Prismacolor and Advanced Mixed Media, plus the Best of Show. Not trying to brag (failed), but I'm very confident that I will do something with my art. Not so confident about modeling and music. I have about 15 songs written, and next year, my senior year, I'm hoping to record them onto a demo CD and start submitting it to different record labels. It's a long shot, but I gotta start somewhere. Modeling is looking even bleaker, though. I'm 5' exactly, so runway isn't my thing. However, I'm aware of petite modeling and I've got the photo-editing skills to make my face usable. I really want to make them work. Right now, though, I'm just practicing and experiementing with different styles and techniques, in art, music and modeling. Here's a little of what I got so far:
My DeviantArt Account:
My DA account has a bunch of old and new drawings and photo-edits, in addition to a lot of poems and song lyrics. It's a pretty modest collection, but like I said. I gotta start somewhere. Here are some favorites:
An acrylic abstract paint of a fetus on canvas board
And old graphite portrait of Amy Lee done from a photograph
My Photobucket Album:
This mostly has experiemental photos. One of me with transgendered make-up, different angles, different temperatures and lighting, different looks and poses. None of these are photos that I would consider putting in a modeling portfolio, but merely pictures to show where I'm at right now. Most have little to no make-up besides the transgendered one. Some more favs:
As you can see, a lot of my self-portrait photographs are less model-ish and more facebook-profile-pic-ish. lol I'm trying to get away from that. Any advice on that, or anything, really, would be welcomed!
Well, I guess that's it for now. Peace~
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